
Privacy and Data Protection

Winch Gate Property Limited (referred to herein as "Winch Gate"), located at 3030 LIMASSOL (Cyprus), runs the game "Ryzom“ and the website "“. Winch Gate is adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, applied since 25th May, 2018), respects the privacy of its online visitors and recognizes the importance of providing a secure environment for the information it collects.

Winch Gate commits itself to provide a document for its online visitors with all informations about which and how personal data is collected, processed and utilized ("Privacy Policy").

By using this website you accept the Privacy Policy.

Please note that the Winch Gate Privacy Policy does not apply when you access other sites via the web links located on Winch Gates internet sites, as we have no control over the activities of these other sites. Furthermore, this Privacy Policy may vary from time to time; please consult this document periodically so that you are aware of any changes.

Privacy Policy

Winch Gate will only collect personal data that are absolutely necessary for the creation and maintenance of accounts and characters within Ryzom. Winch Gate will never share any personal data from its online visitors and/or game users with third parties.

What is personal data?

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes IP addresses and cookies data.

Users‘ rights

The user must be informed whether Winch Gate is collecting data, why the data is collected, how it is processed and utilized. The user must give his consent (read more under "Consent“). Furthermore, the user has the right to get information about their stored data on request. This service is free and can be requested at any time by any user (read more at "Right to access data“). In case of a leak, the user will be informed within 72 hours, as will the responsible data protection office (read more at "Breach Notification“). The user also has the right to be forgotten, which means that Winch Gate has to erase all personal data at the users‘ request (read more at "Right to be forgotten“).

There has to be a request for consent, in an understandable and easy language. It must be in an easily accessible form and the purpose for data processing has to be attached. The consent has to be distinguishable from other services, it must be freely given and it must be easy to withdraw, as easily as it was given.

Which data are we collecting?

Winch Gate collects personal data mainly for the payment system for the game "Ryzom“. It is necessary, so the user is able to get the entire experience of a so-called "premium account“. This service is voluntary. In addition, Winch Gate also collects data from time to time for game-related surveys/polls and statistics. The surveys are voluntary and mostly anonymous. However, the user will be informed about the process of data collection before the survey commences and clear consent must be given. The statistics for "Ryzom“ are declared in the EULA and have to be accepted by the user. Winch Gate will inform the user if it is collecting personal data for statistics about other services ("“) and will request consent, in the frame of the related service.

Why are we collecting data?

Through these data collections, Winch Gate is able to develop future strategies, to improve the user experience, to expand its offering and to target a more specific group. Overall, it is used to optimise the experience for Winch Gates‘ customers and users. Additionally, some data is necessary for the payment process.

Right to access data

Users have the right to gain access to their stored data. They can send a request at any time by creating a ticket ( to which Winch Gate will respond by providing information on all stored personal data as soon as possible. Winch Gate will respond with information about all stored personal data as soon as possible. This service is 100% free and has no limit in use. Please note, that Winch Gate has the right to refuse multiple requests, relating to the same natural person (or account), within a very short time-span.

Right to be forgotten

The user has the right to be forgotten, that means that Winch Gate has to erase all stored personal data at the users‘ request. Please note, that Winch Gate has the right (and the duty) to object to this, in the case of criminal activities, until the appropriate authorities are involved and they give their consent to the erasure of the personal data. Furthermore, in the case that you exercise your right to be forgotten, some Winch Gate products may no longer be available to you, due to the loss of the necessary data (for example "premium accounts"). Winch Gate will inform the user of the consequences before it erases all personal data permanently, and will require the users‘ consent.

Breach Notification

In case of a leak (hack), Winch Gate will send a breach notification to any involved user and to the responsible data protection office, within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach. This notification will contain information about when the breach was noticed, which natural person and which data are affected, as well as which measures may have already been taken.